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Pornography isn't something people shy away from. They are an appetite to be gratified, and one that is often treated as a problem by parents, teachers, church leaders—anyone who wants to talk about it or tackle it head-on. But there's no actual evidence that pornography harms anyone—and many studies show the opposite environment. What does harm young people is the shame & stigma attached to sexuality that comes from adults trying to keep everything under control and out of sight. One aspect of sexuality that has never been explored widely in the American public square are sex ed classes. And for good reason: Sex ed classes are not an issue that many people want to talk about, and they don't want to talk about them among themselves. But sex ed classes should be a no-brainer: They're practical, obvious, and even healthful. For one thing, we're talking about the only body we have. It's good to know your body and how it works and what you can do with it. Sex ed classes help a lot of people feel more normal about sexuality. When you grow up surrounded by a climate of anxiety and mystique—where sex is always seen as the Big Bad—it's good to learn about it in a clear, straightforward way. It's also good to find out what to do if you're ever forced into an unwanted sexual situation as well as how to avoid those situations from happening in the first place. As soon as sex ed classes become an entrenched part of public school curricula, they'll do less harm—they'll actually start doing some good. This is not to say that sex ed classes, when finally established in America's classrooms, will be perfect. They're bound to be problematic and probably mildly embarrassing for many people. But they're a necessary part of growing up in America; and, like it or not, we're going to have them. Sex education may never reach its full potential as long as it's under the purview of the school board and run by teachers & administrators who don't know much about sex and who aren't comfortable talking about it—but for all we know, we'll learn everything we need to know in one class. It's hard to talk about sex or sexuality in America; there's a lot of shame and stigma around it. And, if handled poorly, it can be harmful. But there's also a whole lot of knowledge and experience about sex and sexuality people who aren't afraid to talk about it and aren't afraid to make mistakes. One of the best places we can learn what we need is from the people who do the learning: sex educators—those who have been on the front lines for years as teenagers grow into adults with sexual relationships. cfa1e77820

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